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QuickBooks - Smart, simple online accounting software for small business

QuickBooks is an accounting software whose products provide desktop and online accounting applications as well as cloud-based ones which can process bills and business payments. QuickBooks is mostly targeted at medium and small businesses.
All payments from QuickBook are synchronized with ShopXpert
This integration allows for the synchronization of payments made through QuickBooks with the ShopXpert platform. This means that any payments made through QuickBooks will be reflected in the ShopXpert platform.

Quickbooks is a well-known and trusted software for managing finances. It's easy to use and has a lot of great features for tracking income and expenses and more.

What works from ShopXpert to QuickBooks:

Employees: Name & contact(mail, mobile, dob, hiredDate, releasedDate, status), wage
Customers: Name & contact(mail, phone), billing address, shipping address
Suppliers: Name & contact(mail, phone), billing address, shipping address
Purchase taxes & sales taxes: tax + rate
Products: Name, type, description, cost price, sell price
Purchase Orders: Supplier details, line details(product, price, tax), total , due date
Purchase Order Invoice: Supplier details, total, linked purchase order, due date
Estimates: Customer details, shipping address, billing address, delivery date, line details(product, price, tax, discount), total
Customer Invoices: Customer details, shipping address, billing address, delivery date, line details(product, price, tax, discount), total

Link Your QuickBooks Account With ShopXpert

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